Temperature Management Market to Surpass US$ 3,814.3 MN By 2028

Temperature Management Market Temperature Control is still an important part of hospital care for all neonatal and paediatric patients. Temperature management is a treatment that is used to keep a patient's body temperature stable for a set period of time. It reduces the risk of tissue injury caused by a lack of blood flow and improves health conditions. In medicine, body temperature is extremely important. A change in body temperature is a symptom of a number of diseases. Even when people are healthy, monitoring their body temperature can aid in the early detection of disease. Close monitoring and regulation of body temperature to avoid extremes is therefore especially important in critically ill patients. Temperature is one of the vital signs signifying the well-being of a person, thereby temperature monitoring and management is a part of standard care. The global prevalence of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer is expected to drive the global Temper...